Home > No Seattle for me :(...for now anyways

No Seattle for me :(...for now anyways

May 16th, 2012 at 12:57 am

We found out today that the hub is sharing a room in Seattle next week, so I do not get to tag along. Frown I am bummed. But it makes me more resolved to go there sometime so I can meet my SA friends there.

I rescheduled my vacation for August and booked a house with a fabulous ocean view and private beach access. I love the ocean- I grew up near it in Southern California and spent many young years enjoying those waves and bon fires and beach volleyball. The last time I was on the coast was last August, so a visit is long overdo. The house has an expansive grass yard that backs down to the beach. There is a HAMMOCK at the back of the lawn with a great view..

to keep costs down, we wont eat out. We will be cooking at the house...
We will be there 3 nights...and I cant wait!! Then, we will come home that Tuesday and I have the rest of the week off with the hub. SHould be relaxing and fun! This beach is about 2 hours not too bad for travel time and cost. All in all the trip will cost about $800.

I budget each month for vacation, so the money is already allocated. Big Grin And, it leaves a little still for the meet up in July (San Fran) and maybe one or two more mini trips this year somewhere local.

Im bummed about Seattle. Frown But will look for another opportunity to meet my Washington SA friends.

1 Responses to “No Seattle for me :(...for now anyways”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Well, darnit. Today is NOT my day for good news. The house above was rented minutes before I sent in my no Seattle, No Coast...bummer!

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