Home > Wonderful Weekend

Wonderful Weekend

July 23rd, 2012 at 02:14 am

This weekend, I went with DD2 and GS to a retreat. It was up near a lake, within walking distance of the ocean. It was no cost to attend. The camp was really nice. The grounds were beautiful, and the rooms had beds and a private bath. (Some had kitchens, ours did not)

The food was all provided- and it was wonderful. GS got to meet new friends, play on and in a HUGe jump house with a slide, swin in the lake, canoe, paddle boat, play basketball, ping pong...and just have fun. One night we even made smores in the fire pit.

Dd3 and I enjoed watching him have fun and we enjoyed each other and the others at the camp. The services were perfect for a mixed aged group. It was just a fun, relaxing weekend.

The only downside is I think I lost my glasses. Frown I am going to have DD2 check with the camp to see if the found them, but I have a feeling they are not gonna turn up.

We got home tonight, I am a little sun/wind burned, a little tired, but very happy to have gone. Ive never attended anything like this, and wasnt sure what to expect...but am so glad I went. I spent about $40 on gas, and took DD2 and GS to lunch on the way to camp and lunch on the way home ($35 for both meals)...$75 was not too bad for a great weekend filled with wonderful memories.

I stopped at the store and picked up lunch meat, chicken and with the other supplies I have on hand, I should be set for the week. $24.

10 more days until I leave for Alaska. Next weekend I plan to stay home and get everything ready to go.
What a fun, busy summer this is turning out to be!

6 Responses to “Wonderful Weekend”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Great deal for $75. Enjoy Alaska!!!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you CCF. I am very excited for the Alaska trip!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    It does sound like you had a fantastic weekend. Smile

  4. Swimgirl Says:

    Awesome! Smile

  5. rob62521 Says:

    So glad you had a wonderful time!

  6. My English Castle Says:

    Sounds like it was fabulous!

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