Went to the birthday party today and got to see all the kids, grandkids and extended family. It was chaotic, loud, the kids had a blast and best of all, I came home to a QUIET house.
When I got home, I decided my meal preparation ambition was ZERO...so I made a bowl of cereal and called it dinner. (DD2 stopped by to ask if I wanted to go to Olive Garden, but I stuck to my guns and passed and saved at least $40)
So...today was a great, fun, no spend day.
Tomorrow I am watching our little foster guy from 8:30am until about noon...then DD3 will take over. My son and his family are going to stop by on their way out of town...and my son is going to spray for all these spiders. (Thank GOODNESS).
There is a spider on my back porch that is so big, I am sure eats small animals. I will not be sad to see him go tomorrow (the spider that is, I will be very sad to say good bye to my son). Best of all, the spray is FREE.
I am planning on another no spender tomorrow.
The hub mentioned tonight that he is starting to put in overtime..and that tomorrow is overtime/holiday day. So that translates into nice paychecks to look forward to.
Not much else is going on tonight. Loving knowing I dont have to work tomorrow. Three day weekends are always a blessing, but are just too few and far between.
The BEST news of all is that sometime yesterday, my neck quit hurting finally. After a week of constant pain...I realized in the afternoon I was pain free. So so glad about that.
I survived...
September 3rd, 2012 at 03:03 am
September 3rd, 2012 at 04:10 am 1346641831
A number of my friends posted on FB tonight about heading off to Olive Garden. I felt slightly envious .. though the nearest OG is two hours away.
September 3rd, 2012 at 04:23 am 1346642591
September 3rd, 2012 at 01:11 pm 1346674282