I busted the budget tonight but for a good reason. I invited the family (DD1, DD2, DD3 and their families) over for pizza and to celebrate DD2s birthday tonight. She is a single mom and also a foster mom. She worked 56 hours last week and yesterday was too pooped to really do much. But I wanted to do something special for her..so we had pizza and cake here at the house.
Of course, her favorite pizza is the expensive pizza place..but we fed 6 adults and 5 kids for $75 and the girls got to each take leftovers and I have the left over salad. (I gulped at the cost, but am ok since DD2 enjoyed it, and everyone had a good time.) For that many, it would have cost much more if wed gone out. I could have made something much cheaper, but this weekend has just been crazy and it is what DD2 really wanted.
I will figure out which bucket this will come out of tomorrow when I can look at the spreadsheet I keep at work.
I made my oatmeal tonight for the week. I just need to figure out what else I need for lunches and snacks. I have some stuff already at work leftover from last week..but want to make sure to take what I need so that I am not tempted to grab fast food at lunch.
I knew pizza wasnt the healthiest choice, so I nibbled on cantaloupe before it arrived and only had one small slice and some salad.
We had cake...but lil Z (foster boy, 20 mo old) was here and he saw gramma take a bite and here he came, mouth open. It was a small slice and he ate the rest. Again, eating less is easy when that lil guy is here. lol.
Totally off topic...Greenbay lost today. The 49ers deserved the win, but the refs really made BAD calls throughout the game on both teams. It is frustrating to watch a game with calls like that.
Well, its about bedtime. This gramma is pooped.
Budget buster - Pizza for DD2's birthday
September 10th, 2012 at 04:25 am
September 10th, 2012 at 05:01 am 1347249697
September 10th, 2012 at 05:10 am 1347250244
September 10th, 2012 at 05:30 am 1347251412
September 10th, 2012 at 02:41 pm 1347284501