Home > Adsense doesnt make sense to me.....yet! But it will....

Adsense doesnt make sense to me.....yet! But it will....

September 12th, 2012 at 04:01 am

I spent some time tonight trying to figure out what Adsense is all about. I thought it would be fun to try out. I am not quite sure what the premise is though. Maybe this weekend I will have a little more time to figure out what I need to do. I signed up, but am a little confused about next steps. It looks like there is a good tutorial, so hopefully I can figure it out. I think it is fantastic that Jeffrey is giving us the oppy to add snowflakes..every little bit helps!

Today was another no spend day. If all goes at planned, I should make it to Friday without spending. The hub will be home Friday and there is always stuff we need when he gets back.

We dont have any plans for the weekend. Well, the hub has 6+ cords to get processed during the three weeks he is home, so I am sure much of his time will be spent out at the other house.

It is always hard when I go out there. My mom and dads little place is there..along with my dads little shop that he loved to tinker in. It always makes me sad to go..but the hub eventually wants to move back out to that is on two acres and has his wood yard, the 60X60 dog pen, and all of his equipment and toys. (Quads, fixer truck, etc.) I like living in town and love this house. Oh well, thats a decision for another day.

The hub is about to get into busy season with his job. It has already started snowing there. I hope to pay off a good chunk of debt with the extra income it will bring. Last year, I was able to pay over $5000 off and get an emergency fund built. We should do even better this year, especially with DD3 going to work and being able to pay for her car/insurance herself.

This week is flying by at work. Things have been crazy and tomorrow is already booked with more of the same. Actually, I dont see a break for most of this week. I love staying busy though- it sure makes time fly.

A coworker and I went for a 25 minute walk today...close enough with all the up and down the stairs I did throughout the day to put a check mark next to my 30 minute a day goal. Big Grin

3 Responses to “Adsense doesnt make sense to me.....yet! But it will....”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    I'm going to try to get AdSense set up for me soon too. *Fingers Crossed*

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I set up the Adsense but my blog was denied. Apparently it goes through some screening process and they said that my blog didn't meet their criteria.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I hope you have fun with hubby home. Smile

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