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Two weeks to the girls trip!

September 13th, 2012 at 01:23 am

Another no spend day! Yes!

Because of the meal planning and focusing on not spending, I have most of my monthly allowance still in my purse...which is so nice! In two weeks I am flying to Southern California to visit my friend that I have been friends with almost 40 years. Wow, it sounds so crazy to think that its been that long...when we get together we still giggle like teenagers.

My daughters and I started a tradition years ago of planning a girls trip each year. My mom would join us and we would drive up to Portland in October or November and spend the weekend kicking off our Christmas shopping, hitting the Saturday market, having some fun meals..and just being together. We save all year for the trip and we have such a wonderful time.

This is one of my favorite pics from our trips. My mom, at the Saturday market trying on this hat (she was always so cold)...My daughter blew this up and framed it that year and gave it to my dad for Christmas...when he opened it, he laughed so hard I thought he would p-in his Oh good memories...

This year, we switched it up and are taking this trip south. (DD2 isnt going because of her financial situation- which makes me sad)..

None of us are really eager to shop, so we will just spend the weekend visiting. Because we will stay with my friend, we dont have to pay for a hotel- and my friends house is really nice, big and has a gorgeous built in pool/hot tub. Sounds like paradise to me!

Soo...having most of my allowance left is a nice treat for the trip.

The hub gets home tomorrow night. Poor guy...its snowing where he is at and it is supposed to be 101 here tomorrow. Talk about climate shock.

Today was another crazy day at work. A new fraud case popped up and I spent the day investigating and putting the file together on it. I really enjoy that part of my job- and I love staying so busy that the clock hits quittin time before I realize the day is gone.

I didnt get out for a walk, but my meals consisted of lite yogurt, string cheese, carrots, a sandwich, leftover chicken and lots of water. I did have a Pepperidge Farm CARMEL APPLE cookie...a nice treat at the end of a very busy day...I enjoyed every crumb..and then added it to my online food log...happy to see that even after the splurge I was still within all the daily limits I have set.

I love Thursday's because that is the day the hubs paycheck hits pending on the account, so I can see what we are getting and tweak the budget accordingly. This week, he has some OT, so I am excited to see what it is tomorrow morning. My focus on the extra right now is towards debt- so that is where the extra will go.

5 Responses to “Two weeks to the girls trip!”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    What a wonderful tradition.

    That picture is a classic! It's a great memory for all of you. That really is funny. I'm thinking of some sort of '70's or '80 rock and roll band. Perhaps the mullet crowd ("business in the front, party in the back"), or Great Shamens of Our Time. This is worthy of a caption contest. Thanks for sharing.

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I like being busy at work too! Unfortunately lately that hasn't been the case and th day drags on!

  3. Monkey Mama Says:

    Very cool!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    loved the picture!

  5. Looking Forward Says:

    Great pic. Smile Girl Getaway sounds like a blast! Big Grin

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