Home > And he's off...

And he's off...

October 3rd, 2012 at 08:52 pm

The hub's plane left a few minutes ago. Back to Alaska he goes. We still havent heard exactly when DD3 will be heading up. Most likely the end of October or by mid November.

I stopped on the way back from the airport and bought lunch- $8. I had planned to make a sandwich when I got back, but the hub needed to stop by his credit union on the way to the airport to get cash-and they took 10 minutes to wait on him because it was busy. Why does he keep this money at a competetor is a long story...but each time he is home I chip away at his resolve to keep it there. It would be so much easier to have both accounts at the same place. Any way, making lunch was not to I stopped and grabbed a burrito on the way back, quick and easy.. and it got me back to work on time.

Since the hub is not a shopper and doesnt really get excited about Christmas, I plan to use the next three weeks to get as much shopping done as possible. I wish I had more ideas about what everyone wants..but even when I dont, I can usually wing it pretty good. I have about 25 people to shop for in all (Hub, 4 kids, 3 sig others, 7 grandkids, friends, and family). Time to start the list and check it twice.

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