As planned, I am cooking chicken for the next few nights meals. The recipe is pretty simple..cut boneless breasts into thirds and place in baking dish. (I spray non-stick spray first) Mix lemon or lime juice with a couple of tablespoons of garlic, add a teaspoon of Montreal Steak seasoning and add rosemary and thyme. Spoon over the chicken, drizzle with a little olive oil and pop in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes.
I serve with quinoa, roasted potatos or rice and spoon a little of the sauce for flavor...serve with a vegi and thats it! It makes terrific leftovers too!
Cheap and easy!
Tomorrow is my payday. I get paid every other Friday. The hub is paid each week for the week prior. He works three weeks and is off three weeks. So we get a partial paycheck, two weeks of full paychecks, a partial paycheck and two weeks with no paycheck. This could make budgeting tough, but I build our budget for 5-6 months into the future so I know which months we will need to carry over because of no paychecks and which months we can save more or pay more towards debt.
Our budget through next April looks great because starting in Nov, he starts working 4 on 2 off...which adds extra paychecks and we cut back on home expenses because he isnt home as long or as often. I miss him during the winter..but we are able to pay more or save more because of it.
September is the final month that finances are a little tight until next May. The extra will either go towards debt or savings...well, and a little towards the vacation account too.
October is an unusual month because the hub is gone the 3rd thru the 25..which is most of the month. Each month I budget for meals/food, entertainment, gas for the cars..and since the hub wont be here, I anticipate a large portion of these line items to be left at the end of the month. I plan to put that extra towards the vacation budget.
Smells like dinner is done..
Budget forecast
October 5th, 2012 at 02:41 am