Home > Fun day

Fun day

October 7th, 2012 at 05:35 am

DD2, our little foster baby and I spent a great day together. We started in the little historic town enjoying bagels and coffee. The bagels are so fresh and the coffee, oh so yummy. I spent $7.

Then, we walked around to the little shops. DD2 found a puzzle made out of wooden cards that GS would love for Christmas. They were 50% off, so, $12.50. She also pointed out a cute pair of earings for DD1 $8. Then, we went to Ross where I found a cute little Halloweed decoration for my desk at work $3.99. A final stop at the craft store and I picked up 5 silk yellow and red sunflowers and a decoration for the front porch $16. So total spending so far...$46. I came home and took a nap and DD2 called again to go to dinner. I spent $42 on us, and we picked out a sweet looking elderly couple and asked the waitress to let us pay their check without telling them. They must have shared a meal because their tab was only $21. We both left feeling happy for the random act of kindness. Spending today - $109.

Tomorrow morning a friend is coming over for mimosas and bagels. The rest of the day will be fixing the food for the potluck and homeless teen shelter that I am responsible for on Tuesday.

I plan to spend the remainder of my time tomorrow watching some football and putzing around the house doing laundry, etc.

2 Responses to “Fun day”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    What a great act of kindness!

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That was really sweet of you. Smile I like to do something similar once in awhile when I am in line at a fast food place - as long as I can get out of there quickly. Smile So far I've not had anyone behind me spending a lot, so I've gotten the good feeling with very little extra spent. Smile

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