I have spent a good part of the evening making up enough enchilada pie for about 30 people. I improvised on the recipe and sure hope it tastes ok!
I used white corn tortillas, refi beans, chili verde sauce, cheese, black beans, corn, black olives, green chilis, and shredded chicken...all in various layers.
The shelter food is in two disposable tin containers and the potluck on is in the crockpot...I cut back a little on the liquid for the crockpot, but it still might turn into enchilada soup...lol.
Im also taking salad, cookies, salsa and sour creme for the shelter.
Today, my job was closed, but the day wasnt a holiday- it was an all-staff training day. For not 'working' I sure am pooped tonight. Staying focused all day wears me out! But it was a great day.
I had to stop by the store on the way home because I wasnt sure I had bought enough supplies for all the meal prep. I have to rant a little here. There was a family dad, mom, another woman about moms age and two kids around 2 and 4. Mom and the other woman were pushing the carts. The carts are the ones with the car on the front that the kids can ride in. Mom was running from the other woman and sliding around the end of the aisles. (Really girls??) Very obnoxious and out of line IMO...then, the other woman stopped mid aisle and hollered over the aisle that the little one had just gotten sick all over the car. For some reason they thought this was funny. The womand took the little one and left the cart mid aisle and walked away...perhaps to the bathroom? I saw a store worker in produce and let him know what happened so he could clean up and... maybe toss these folks out of the store?? ARGH. Not the way I needed to end the day...
Sorry, just a cranky old lady ranting.
Anyway- I am glad I stopped because I wouldnt have had enough cheese..or green chilis.
Im done and now can relax for a bit before bedtime. Sure hope I dont end up with soup in that crockpot tomorrow!
Lots of food prep tonight! Im pooped!
October 9th, 2012 at 04:30 am
October 9th, 2012 at 04:50 am 1349754611
October 9th, 2012 at 12:22 pm 1349781763