Home > Budget mistake...ouch.

Budget mistake...ouch.

October 11th, 2012 at 03:44 am

I was looking at the budget and realized, unfortunately, that I ommitted the minus sign in front of an entry..ugh. It was a 374 I was off by 748...fortunately, I had budgeted $1000 extra to I adjusted the 'extra' and fixed the error. It is so easy to forget a little minus sign...but made such a big difference when I fixed it.

I had leftover enchilada pie from yesterday's potluck for dinner tonight. The layers all melded together and it tasted even better tonight. Smile I love leftovers, it is like free food.

This weekend I have two friend birthdays. One was planned, the other was not. A co-worker, who I adore but dont usually spend time with outside of work is turning 60. His wife is throwing a party Saturday night and he asked if I would come. He is one of the sweetest people I know- so I wouldnt miss this for anything. They are serving dinner and drinks and the wife suggested just a funny card for him. But I want to put a 'care package' together for my 'old' friend. Any suggestions? I have a feeling most of the package will be out of the pharmacy section...but I need more ideas. Most of the other people that will be there are old co-workers who no longer work with us anymore. Unfortunately, several of them left on not such good terms, so it is always a little awkward when I attend social events with this group..thankfully it is not often. It would be easier if the hub was going, but he is in Alaska. So I asked my friend (next paragraph friend) to go as my date. She and the birthday guy are old friends- but havent seen each other in years, so it should be fun.

The other birthday (Sunday)is my dear friend who I mention on here quite a bit because she and her husband go to the vacation rental home with us when we go. There are three of us girlfriends who celebrate each others birthday together as a tradition. My birthday-friend mentioned that a massage sounded good- so the other friend and I will split the cost of a gift certificate between us...and then we are going wine tasting. (Free unless we buy any bottles because of our memberships) We will probably even go to Sunday will be a spendy day. Between Sat night and Sunday I anticipate spending $150. This comes out of my savings account that I stash extra allowance into when there is any..thankfully, I have enough to cover both- but the allowance piggy will be fairly dry when Im done.

Tomorrow is Thursday, which means I get a peek at what the hubs pending paycheck will be on Friday. I always budget conservative, so it is almost always fun to update the budget with the actual total. His paychecks are usually within $100 of normal until next month...then he starts working overtime. This year, they are talking with him about working more weeks and taking less time off. I am sad that he wont be home as much, but for the long term, big picture- this helps us get to our goals quicker. He said not to buy his Nov/Dec airline ticket it begins.

5 Responses to “Budget mistake...ouch.”

  1. Swimgirl Says:

    When my friends have those "big" birthdays, I always do a "Cling to your Youth" package instead. I put in a frisbee or slinky, kite, play dough, candy that they might have had as a kid, bubblegum, etc. It seems less cruel, and then it can be used with their grandkids! Smile

  2. CB in the City Says:

    What a good idea, Swimgirl! With most of my friends "over the hill" I'm definitely going to use this!

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    Enjoy your weekend! Smile

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I love that idea Swimgirl...and he has grandaughters that would have so much fun sharing. I am DEFINATELY going to do this instead!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I hope you enjoy your massage and time with friends! Smile

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