It has been another busy day at work. They are going to be rearranging responsibilities again soon, and it sounds like I will be supervising at least two more areas (and people). The good news in that is that I already do much of the work for those areas, so adding two people to the team will help reduce my work load some...the bad news is adding two more people to the team means more supervisory work. Of course, it primarily depends on the individuals.
My current job involves risk and compliance, when the changes are done it will also include fraud and loss prevention. And I actually enjoy the latter two the most, so the change overall will be welcome.
Today was a payday for the hub. I have a master spreadsheet for the budget and so every paycheck is planned. (I currently have everything planned through March 2013). When payday arrives I know almost down to the penny what needs to go where. I shudder when I think about the days I didnt have a budget and just paid what was squeeking the most wondering why we barely made it from one payday to the next.(or sometimes didnt!)
My excel spreadsheet has a budget tab, an 'escrow' type account tab (for things like car insurance, clothes, medical, etc.), a christmas tab, birthday tab, vacation tab, etc. I probably am a little anal about how much I track...but it helps keep goals in line.
I wish I could say all that tracking has gotten us debt free...but alas we are not. A good portion of the debt we have came from trying to help my son while his business was failing...and from the hubs first stint up in Alaska when we had to ship tools, get all the gear, etc..and then he was laid off. Oh, and there are some home repairs in the debt too.
But..the debt is FINALLY heading downhill. I have paid off almost $10k in the last 12 months...AND we have built an emergency fund too. So we ARE heading in the right direction.
Not sure about everyone else...but even with the cloudy weather, I am SO ready for the weekend.
Rainy days and payday
October 12th, 2012 at 11:52 pm
October 13th, 2012 at 02:33 am 1350092002