A big box store opened next door to my job a few months ago. There is just a small side street that separates our parking lots...and we can definately feel the added traffic when leaving work each night- It is not my favorite place to shop, but it IS very convenient now. I needed coffee creamer for the weekend and decided to stop in there on my way home. Since I didnt have plans tonight I decided to just walk around and pick up things that I have been meaning to get but always seem to forget. (Not a budget friendly idea...but I did get some check marks)
One item was a bluetooth for my cell phone. I have never had one - and it is a want/need. I picked one up for $25.
I (needed?) hair color ($7), toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, creamer, butter, bread. The haircolor is much cheaper doing it myself, and Im not ready to go el natural yet, so I consider it a need...
I wanted a couple of new nail polish colors, scissors to trim my bangs (bought the less expensive ones for $8.98)- again doing it myself is much less expensive, and a plastic cover to use in the microwave for splatters ($1.98)...my California friend had one that we used quite a bit while there and I really saw the benefit of it for under $2.
I managed to spend $97...and TOTALLY forgot to pick up cat food, which I am out of after tonight. So, tomorrow I will make a quick stop to pick cat food up.
Part of the $$ will come out of the grocery budget and the rest is allowance $$. I still have plenty of money in the household/entertainment account since the hub hasnt been here to help spend any of it and I have tried to stay fairly frugal. Dinner was PB&J on toast tonight.
When I mentioned the bluetooth to the hub, he said he might get one when he comes home to use this winter. I think it will be handier to use than bracing my cell between my shoulder and chin to support the phone while I multitask.. (perhaps this adds to the occaisional stiff neck??)
It is nice to be home and not have to get up early in the morning. I plan to sleep in...we will see if that actually happens. Usually around normal wake up time coffee starts sounding really good.
Tonight Zillow shows the value of both homes have inched up a little. The country house is still in the black (barely)...my city house is still in the red, by about $40k. Ive lived here almost two and a half years...absolutely love this house..but the loss in value still smarts. OH well, since I dont plan to sell for a few more years I can hope the value will keep creeping up.
$97 at the store tonight
October 13th, 2012 at 04:07 am