Home > Happy Bosses Day

Happy Bosses Day

October 16th, 2012 at 10:03 pm

I am on a quick break and work and decided to pop in at SA to unwind. My lunch break was spent attending a 90 minute compliance webinar on an upcoming, very confusing, govt rule that I need to summarize for everyone. Sound fun? Not so much. At least my lunch was paid for.

Today is also bosses day. (Why are days like this created?? Must be a Hallmark thing...) I received a beautiful bouquet from the girl- (S) I supervise. (Our team also got a bouquet for our/my boss). I love fresh flowers- and am sure greatful to (S) for being so thoughtful!

I dont have much else going on. I will make some quinoa and green beans tonight (have on hand) to go with the today will be a no spend day for me. Big Grin

I also need to remember to take the chicken breasts out of the freezer and start them marinading tonight. Those will go into the crockpot tomorrow. I found a "spicy" teriyaki sauce on sale that I am eager to try. I think I will make enough quinoa tonight to have some with the chicken tomorrow night.

Well, time to get into a meeting..

2 Responses to “Happy Bosses Day”

  1. snafu Says:

    Our local cooking show lady always drops chicken breasts in marinade before packaging in serving sizes in zip bags. I've never tried it but plan to the next time I buy a box of chicken breasts. Lately it's been more cost efficient to buy the largest of the frozen whole 'fryer's and baking/roasting or in slo cooker.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Your office is more generous than mine -- we brought in treats for the bosses -- then, of course, we all ate them! (The treats, not the bosses).

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