Home > Best way to freeze meat and other foods?

Best way to freeze meat and other foods?

October 19th, 2012 at 05:53 am

I have been using either ziplock freezer bags, or containers for freezing foods- but the hub would like to get one of those food saver things that makes your food airtight for the freezer. I am wondering if anyone has a preference? What do you use and how successful is it? Ive read that the bags are expensive. Any other successful ways to freeze out there?

I would love to get in a routine while the hub is gone of cooking for the week on the weekend and just pulling meals out of the freezer ready to go during the week.

My list of honey-dos is growing for the hub this time. I need to have tires rotated, oil change, decorative stip reglued to the car...maybe the wipers changed and defroster fluid refilled. It could be a while before he is home again, so I want to get all that stuff done while he is here.

One day left...and then its weekend time! Its been a gruelling week- so the weekend is welcome. Cant wait!!

4 Responses to “Best way to freeze meat and other foods?”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I've been happy with my Tilia Food Saver for years.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I use the heavy-duty white freezer paper, like butchers use, for freezing meat. Reynolds makes it. I find it is the best insurance against freezer burn.

  3. patientsaver Says:

    While I have never used one of those food bag sealers, I think they're a waste of money. You can achieve the same air-free, shrunken food bag by inserting a straw in one of the bag. Make sure the bag is sealed up to the end where the inserted straw is. Then suck out the air and quickly seal the end as you remove the straw. Oila.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you for your advice all. I will try the bags/straw and freezer paper first- I have been using zip lock freezer bags, but Ive noticed I tossed out more this year with the hub gone so much -mainly because things looked freezer burnt.

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