Home > Welcome Friday...and payday!

Welcome Friday...and payday!

October 20th, 2012 at 02:45 am

It is a beautiful fall evening. Not too cold with a nice breeze blowing leaves everywhere. I have a pumpkin candle burning with a window open so I can enjoy the sound of hte wind in the trees.

Today was payday and both the hub and I got paid. As planned, I put money into savings, put some on a debt and the rest will roll for the upcoming weeks when the hub doesnt get a paycheck for his time home.

DD3 heard yesterday that she will be going to Alaska mid to late November. I hope they plan it around the hubs trip back up, otherwise Im not sure what we will do. I am VERY reluctant to let her stay in Anchorage overnight and get around for her employement paperwork and physical by herself. I may fly up with her to make sure she is safe until she gets up to the slope....but I will know more when the time comes.

Our 401k plan is set up so that I can log-in and make whatever changes I want myself, including how much I contribute. I am going to review the investments and determine if they are still allocated appropriately and then look at raising my contribution. Right now I am contributing 8%- my job matches 8% (max). I plan to up my contribution when the next raise comes through. I hope to raise to at least 10%. The program also calculates targets. Right now I am on track to retire at 65 with a good income. However, I would love to get that number down to I intend to keep adjusting to accomplish this.

2 Responses to “Welcome Friday...and payday!”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Enjoy your evening!

  2. Househopeful Says:

    I am loving this weather too!

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