I have a friend who started a tea store last year. Her husband is a pastor, and they do this business together. It is slow to get off the ground and they are trying new ways to introduce the catering and tea party aspects of the business. This Saturday is their first official event. They are having an afternoon tea to raise money for breast cancer. It is $20 per ticket, $5 goes towards the cause. They will serve a variety of teas- little sandwiches, scones, cookies..I thought this would be a great event to take my daughters to..so the four of us will be attending. None of the girls have ever attended an actual 'tea', so I am excited to do this with them.
It helps my friend, it helps a great cause and it gives me a fun outing with my girls. I am really looking forward to it!
Today was not a no spender afterall. I did have leftovers as planned, but I stopped at the craft store on the way home and picked up a couple of strings of lights for the front porch for Halloween. It looks so cute out there with the pumpkins my grandson carved and now with the lights. I also picked up a new pot to transplant an African violet into. I spent $16.
Tomorrow night the hub gets home (midnight). He only has two cords of wood to process this time, so he will have a little more free time to relax and help with the list of honey-do's Ive been keeping.
Several weeks ago, DD1 suggested a gift for my granddaughter (6)..but for some reason the price has been higher (65-70)than what she orignally found it for (48)...today Amazon advertised it for $45..so I quickly ordered it. One down...6 grandkids to go!!
Tea for a Cure
October 25th, 2012 at 03:40 am
October 25th, 2012 at 01:11 pm 1351167087
October 25th, 2012 at 08:30 pm 1351193414
October 26th, 2012 at 03:05 am 1351217139