I have been getting some Christmas shopping done today thanks to Amazon.
I bought each of my kids family one of these:
And one of these:
And for my lil granddaughter who turns 4 next month, one of these for her birthday:
Hopefully each will encourage play and creativity!
The hub arrived home safely last night. Tonight he bbq'd steak, which I dont get while he is gone. It was so tasty! It is 8pm and the poor guy is already in bed. By tomorrow he should be rested and back to normal.
October 27th, 2012 at 04:03 am 1351307021
My electronic-y son LOVES those snap circuits - has had for many years. & that maze game is *awesome.* Dh was just telling me that might be the best toy the kids ever got (aside from some of the more electronic and robot type stuff).
October 27th, 2012 at 04:05 am 1351307109
Any other suggestions???
October 27th, 2012 at 07:36 pm 1351363015
October 27th, 2012 at 08:01 pm 1351364461