Dd3 got her call from Alaska and will be heading up at the end of November or first week of December. So the hub and her went shopping today to get her some cold weather gear. Boots, $129 but they will keep her feet warm up to -140. At least I know her tootsies will stay warm. They still have to get insulated outerwear. Dd3 is keeping a tab of the expenses so that she can repay us and also claim them on taxes. This is such a big adventure for a 20 year old. She is so excited. They told her she would work until next MAY.
Last night was pizza with the kids..it was $100 for 10 of us and there were leftovers - which DD1 and DD3 very willingly took. We had a great time.
Tonight the hub made tacos using the left over tri-tip. They were really good! I will be taking tri-tip to work for lunch tomorrow too.
Only three more days until we leave for the 5 day trip. The weather is calling for lots of snow there...just as a late fall mountain getaway should! I am so excited!!
DD3s Alaska preparations
November 6th, 2012 at 02:07 am
November 6th, 2012 at 02:35 am 1352169308
November 6th, 2012 at 02:41 am 1352169664
Keeping warm both indoors & outdoors is very important and is based on layering as the most important feature. Those of us who struggle with minus 30...windchill factor minus 90 need to be able to function without bulky hindrances. We know that it's imperative to wear a hat/toque because most heat is lost from head. Waffle undershirt, shirt, cashmere sweater, down filled parka, wool socks, boot inserts and mittens [much warmer than gloves] all work well.
November 6th, 2012 at 03:13 am 1352171597
snafu- DD3 is going to be working up on the North Slope..so they went shopping specifically for these boots. They are camo and sturdy and most importantly, very warm. Fashionable? nope.
Fortunately, the job has safety procedures for extreme weather. You are so right about the layering. It sounds like you have weather similar- so your suggestions are very well received!!
November 6th, 2012 at 03:38 am 1352173108
November 6th, 2012 at 04:09 am 1352174940
November 7th, 2012 at 06:01 am 1352268081
Enjoy your getaway. That sounds fabulous!!