I enjoyed some really tasty free meals. A co-worker bought us breakfast burritos in the morning- and then another co-worker treated for lunch! The kids all love the restaurant we ate at, and they are offering a $5 bonus on a $25 gift card purchase, so I picked up four of those for Christmas gifts. (I love when you get instant bonus $)
Yesterday was payday for me. My paychecks are always the same, so easy to budget. I put $279 towards the freedom account, which includes car insurance, car repairs, pet expenses, clothing, house expenses, and a "miscellaneous" category for all other unexpected things. $65 went into the birthday account. $150 to the Christmas account. $60 came out for the trash bill (2 months) There is still money left for Directv, the gas bill and the rest will roll until the end of the month. Next week, I wont get a paycheck, but the hub will.
Ive been pretty successful at getting the Christmas presents wrapped. I have a taller dining room table, so it is my wrapping station this year. I am not sure why I usually wrapped sitting on the living room floor...this is SO MUCH EASIER...and so I wrap more at each session. Way easier on my back! 90% of the gifts I have are wrapped already! Just need to add some bows and ribbons before they go under the tree! Sometimes I amaze myself with how long it takes the lightbulb to go off on a better solution. (can I blame it on age??)
Yesterday was my youngest granddaughter's fourth birthday. Tomorrow is her party. I have her gift bought and wrapped. Her dad's (T) birthday is next week. Even though he and my daughter are not together, I adore him. T is a great dad. My oldest grandson's (8) dad has not been in his life since he was a baby ( a good thing, he is bad news)...so T is the only dad GS knows. He is raising GS just like his own..which makes T pretty darn cool in my eyes. So, I want to take a gift to him tomorrow too.
I have a fairly long to-do list to tackle today. Its 10am, so it is definately time to get started!
Light bulb moments..
November 17th, 2012 at 06:06 pm