My son and his family arrived safely today. We had his sons third birthday and then I picked up the few final gifts I needed. I AM DONE. Good thing, because the stores were crazy today and I am sure they will stay that way through Christmas. Way too many people for me.
Tonight all the kids went on a party bus with all the kids to look at christmas lights around town. I hung back at home and am sitting with little Z. I had planned to finish up with housework and getting dishes ready for tomorrow morning...but he wants to play. So, he wins. We are playing and having fun until everyone gets done with the party bus. Then, I will finish up with the chores. Everyone is coming over at 9am, so I wont have to get up super early..` All gifts are wrapped. I just have to prep food for the bread dip and breakfast burrito bar.
I work on Monday until 3 and then I am off on CHristmas. DD3s 21st birthday is Christmas eve, so her siblings want to take her for a drink/toast. Because we are doing our big celebration tomorrow, CHristmas morning will be semi quiet. Then, I work through next weekend- part of it out of town. However, I will get new years eve and new years day off.
The hub has checked in a couple of times. He jumped right into 17+ hour days. He loves the work, but I hope he doesnt burn oout too soon
Ok...bread dips are made and in thr fridge, a load of dishes are running in the diswasher. All gifts are wrapped and ready to go in the morning. I have a fe more to dos..but those can wait til I have mhy batteries recharged in the morning. Gramma ray is plum pooped tongiht.
Done and DONE
December 23rd, 2012 at 05:51 am
December 23rd, 2012 at 09:30 pm 1356298257