I paid off one debt today and schedule the remaining money from the bonus, $1600, to go to the next debt, which will happen tomorrow. It feels wonderful to be started on this trajectory.
I received a refund check today from our cancelled cell phone service for $77.83, so I am scheduling an additional transfer to debt #2.
Yesterday and today were no spend days. I had leftovers for lunch and dinner.
When the hub comes home next time, he is going to have the taxes done. I wish we could do them ourselves to save money, but he has his wood business that always impacts our taxes. Last year we got a net refund of over $2k. I anticipate this year will be similar..that money will also go to debt #2.
So- today I asked and guess what, I RECEIVED. I am going to be working over on the coast Monday and Tuesday. Our job has leased a condo while we are merging operations...and I asked if I could go over on Saturday and enjoy the condo (which is OCEAN FRONT by the way) for the weekend...and YEP. I am soo excited. PLUS...they need me to take a company car over so that there is a car over there permanently...Another worker is coming on Monday and I will ride back with her on Tuesday afternoon....SO I GET A FREE WEEKEND AWAY with a spectacular view and I dont even have to pay for gas!!!! I just have to feed myself, which I can do really cheaply. Yippee!!!
I totally see a good book in my future..yes yes yes!!
I have a date night on Friday with my four year old granddaughter and then on Saturday morning..this gramma will be ON THE ROAD.
Life, well...could it get any better???
Debt trajectory and a great weekend ahead!
February 5th, 2013 at 02:23 am
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