Tonight was leftover night. (chicken teriyaki, sweet onion and jasmine rice). I know people who say the 'hate' leftovers and never eat them. When its just me here, I have leftovers more during the week than I do original meals so I cant fathom that..leftovers are often even better than the original meal. 1- prep time is so much quicker and 2- the flavors meld together and are so tasty 3- the cost is right. What is not to LOVE about leftovers?? Anyways, mine were excellent tonight.
I went to the used bookstore today and picked up two books on CD to listen to on the way to the coast this weekend. ($30) When I am done with them, I plan to take them back and get some of the money back- I think I will get half back.
Tonight, when I told the hub how we are doing on debt repay he perked up. Both of us are ready to do he was as excited as I am.
Today was another crazy busy day. I am ready to have just a normal day at work- where I get to work have a to-do list and have a few interruptions during the day. Right now I juggle a to-do list and 'fires', of which there are many. This is the stuff burn-out is made of. Seriously.
But it is also the stuff job security is made of. I am blessed to have a job I love...just wish there wasnt so much of it to squeeze into every workday.
All in all, cant complain. I am pretty stinkin blessed.
Who doesn't love leftovers?
February 7th, 2013 at 02:49 am
February 7th, 2013 at 03:23 am 1360207434
February 7th, 2013 at 07:29 am 1360222190
February 7th, 2013 at 09:16 am 1360228614
Last night I used a leftover roasted chicken breast to make a pasta + chicken meal. All I had to do was cook pasta. this is a common rework for me. I also make stroganoff, salad plates and/or fajitas.
February 8th, 2013 at 02:29 am 1360290569