Home > What a difference a day has made... :(

What a difference a day has made... :(

March 9th, 2013 at 04:14 am

From the happiest place on Earth to heartache in one day. DD2 and the kiddos, lost their little dog tonight when it was hit by a car. Poor things, they were so excited to get home and see him, and tonight they are heartbroken Frown The hub and I are at the coast and it happened after we got here, so our condolences have to be over the phone.

Ugh. So not fair for them. Such a dark cloud over their vacation.

RIP Gus:

DD3 learned that she is done with her slope job for the season, so she is coming home next week. I am so excited to see her. She has had such a good time there, and has a nice savings account even only working for 8 weeks.

The hub and I have free use of a beautiful ocean front condo this weekend, that my employer owns. As an employee perk, when it is not in use for work, we can stay here for free. I reserved it a few weeks ago..and it stayed available for the weekend. We arrived this afternoon and the weather is wonderful. The sunset was amazing, and now we are just watching some TV and relaxing. Albeit, sad for DD2 and the kids. Here is the hub sound asleep in the sun earlier:

Tomorrow we may do some sightseeing, or we may just hang out here and do some beach walking- either is fine with me so long as I dont have to spend much time in a car.

12 Responses to “What a difference a day has made... :(”

  1. snafu Says:

    How sad for poor Gus. Who was responsible for letting him out and in harms way? Painful lesson to learn

  2. starfishy Says:

    so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter's family's dog. so heartbreaking.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Oh, was a horrible accident. They didnt/would never intentionally let him out and in harms way. Frown
    starfishy..thank you. Frown

  4. scfr Says:

    Oh how very sad ... I'm so sorry for all involved. For sweet-looking Gus, for the poor kids (such heartbreak for them), for your daughter, for you, and even for the driver of the car.

  5. MonkeyMama Says:


  6. creditcardfree Says:

    ((Hugs)) to you and all your family for the loss of Gus. Looks like a sweet dog!

  7. Donna Says:

    Poor Gus. I can't imagine just how heartbroken the kids ( and you) must be.

  8. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you to each of you with kind words. Losing a pet is always so painful, especially so when youre a child who had missed your pet all week and were so excited to get home to see him. Your kind words are much appreciated.

  9. Looking Forward Says:

    That does suck! ((hugs)) to your grandkids. Frown

  10. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    So sorry for Gus's demise. Frown I've had more pets lives end due to being hit by cars than I can count. Such a horrible way for an animal to go. Frown He looks like a sweet little guy.

    Hope you and DH have an enjoyable weekend away.

  11. aevans1206 Says:

    My heart is broken for your daughter and grandchildren. Dogs are definitely family members and Gus is exceptionally cute.

  12. Ima saver Says:

    So sorry for the family's loss. I am sure he was much loved!

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