Home > The post is dedicated to....

The post is dedicated to....

March 10th, 2013 at 03:49 pm

This post is dedicated to all of you who read the blogs, but have never joined. Every year on my Blogoversary-EVE I send an invite out to all of you to join us!

This is a special club- very knowledgable and very supportive...and a great deal of fun!!

Registering to blog is super easy.

Just as you enjoy reading the blogs, we would enjoy learning about you and your financial journey. Whether you're just starting, are a full blown saver, or somewhere in between, EVERYONE has something to share and everyone benefits in some way.

So c'mon and join us...hop off the fence, come out of the shadows, take the dive, and become one of the SA team!

8 Responses to “The post is dedicated to....”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    This is a friendly and welcoming tradition you have, Ray. I like it! Jump in, lurkers, the water is fine. The moderators do chlorinate the algae-spam out of the pool regularly.

  2. scottish girl Says:

    I like it too! Come and join us lurkers Smile

  3. JulieA Says:

    Happy Blogaversary Thrifty-Ray! Smile

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    I know I cam out of the shadows to blog after your invite! And I'm still here. Thanks for the push, Ray!!

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    *came...see it's okay we can even make typos! Smile

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Happy Blogaversary!

  7. MissAngel Says:

    Great invite and Happy Blogaversary!!

  8. mjrube94 Says:

    Happy anniversary, old SA friend! I love your traditional welcome!

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