Home > Blogoversary - 7 Years!

Blogoversary - 7 Years!

March 11th, 2013 at 06:59 pm

Woot! Happy Blogoversary to me! Big Grin

Here are today's stats:

•Date Started: Mar 11, 2006
•Entries: 1,213
•Comments: 5,039
•Total Visits: 3,066,095

I want to appreciate all of the fellow bloggers here who have provided friendship, support, an occasional and much needed knock on the noggin, and lots of financial advice! Each of you have made this an amazingly interesting and fun 7 years!

I had to make a big girl decision today. Because of the tax situation and what we now owe to the state...I cancelled the cruise. There was a part of me that cried NOOOOOOO....but the realistic part won. It makes no sense to pull from savings to pay this debt AND still take an extravagant vacation. I will pay the taxes, budget for future year taxes, continue on the debt trajectory, and then save for a vacation. This is so much more in line with my BHAG of retiring at 60, if not sooner.

Because it was far enough out, there were no penalties for cancelling the cruise, but I will end up paying $75 on my airline ticket. I dont think there is a fee on the hubs since he is a MVP with Alaska Air.

Day one back at work is as insanely busy as I had envisioned, so this is my very short lunch break...just taking a little time out to woot with my SA friends! Thanks for making this financial journey so much more enjoyable!

10 Responses to “Blogoversary - 7 Years!”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Happy Blogoversary!

  2. Carolina Girl Says:

    Happy Blogoversary and let me say I am truly impressed and humbled by your decision to cancel your cruise. I hope in the same situation, I could make the same choice. You are an inspiration to your SA friends.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations and thank you for the inspiration! And probably a good decision on the cruise in light of the tax situation.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Congratulations, Ray. I completely understand your decision to cancel the cruise. If we hadn't paid off our credit cards earlier this year, I would have cancelled, or at least post-poned our Disney trip.

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    Sounds like a tough choice, but a good one.

    Happy Blogoversary!

  6. mjrube94 Says:

    Wow, way to go canceling the cruise. You should be so proud of yourself! Happy Blogoversary!

  7. Looking Forward Says:

    Happy Blogoversary!
    I am so happy we've been able to meet and look forward to future visits. Smile
    Cancelling the cruise is tough, but the right thing for now. *pat-on-back*

  8. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm with the others - what a brave and smart decision you made about the cruise in light of the taxes. Making choices like that will get you closer to your BHAG. Big Grin You go girl!!

  9. PNW Mom Says:

    Happy Blogoversary! I am sorry to hear about cancelling your cruise...but I am so impressed with your thought process...many people would not have done that....hoping you can take it next year!

  10. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks everyone! I am actually relieved on the decision now that its behind me and have a plan to move forward.

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