Home > Free green onions continue and an update on Z

Free green onions continue and an update on Z

March 14th, 2013 at 02:25 am

The hub is on his way back to Alaska tonight. He got a nice surprise at the airport when he was upgraded to first class- since he flies so much he is on stand by for first class (upgrade free) and every once in a while he gets lucky!

Several weeks (a couple of months?) ago I decided to harvest my own green onions in a glass of water on the window sill. They are doing great. I have clipped them several times and I ALWAYS have fresh, organic green onions. However, once in a while I have to clean them off and out..and there is nothing worse than slimy green onions that have gone bad...yucky mess. Thankfully, I usually catch them before this point, but because I was gone last week, I had some past- that-point tonight when I weeded through them. Yuck. However, the rest are very happy and heathly and will produce lots more for my cooking and garnishments! Such an easy thing to do...and no more forgetting them at the store!!

There isnt much financial news to post about. All bills are set to payout on time between now and the end of the month. I have $5400 of the $6500 tax payment set aside for April 15th (and not a day sooner!) The rest will come out of our April 5th paychecks.

Update on Z

We got news today that there is a high likelihood that Z will be leaving us soon. His biological grand-mother, who lives several states away, will most likely get custody. My heart is broken for him, my daughter and her kids. But if the courts feel this is in his best interest, there is nothing else to do. We learn the final decision on the 22nd if not before. I hope and pray that he adjusts well to the change. Since we got back from California, he doesnt want DD2 out of his sight. So I cant imagine what losing her and the kids permanently and swiftly will do to him short and long term. Heartbreaking for one family...hopefully joyful news for another.

DD3 arrives home tomorrow at 6:30pm. I am excited to see her!!

13 Responses to “Free green onions continue and an update on Z”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    My heart aches for little Z and the rest of your family. So sad. Frown ((hugs))

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks LF...this one caught me off guard..didnt see it coming. Its been a real roller-coaster ride and our hearts are aching for what lies ahead. Frown

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    ((Hugs)) I'm so sorry to hear that this is likely the case for Z. I, too, hope he adjusts well. Do they train these people on how to deal with this type of transition? What happens if it doesn't work out...if there is such a thing? Praying for the best outcome for the little guy.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    CCF- There hasnt been any training for his grandma..I hope there is a transition of some sort. The saddest part is he doesnt know her- at all. She has never tried to visit him in 26 months. But I know blood matters..and I SINCERELY hope that it ends up in his best interest. Its been a true eye opener for us- and a heartbreaker.

  5. twest Says:

    So sad to hear this. Hope things do turn out well for Z. It makes me cry as I type so I couldn't imagine having to go through this. ((Hugs)) to your entire family.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    I don't see how taking a two year old away from the only family he has ever known is in the best interest of the child. If blood mattered so much, where was this woman before now? People who do these sorts of things are flat out selfish. They are only thinking about themselves and what they want. Blood should not be more important than love.

  7. HouseHopeful Says:

    There is another site I regularly visit where one of my online friends there has been sharing her fight to adopt the 2 children she's been fostering for a few years. The BIOLOGICAL mother wants them with this woman, but they are being given to another family to adopt. That makes absolutely no sense. I hope Z adjusts well and makes the transition as easily as possible. I am sorry for the loss to your family.

  8. CB in the City Says:

    Sometimes I wonder if our laws are EVER in the best interest of the child. So heartbreaking.

  9. Ima saver Says:

    So sorry!

  10. MonkeyMama Says:

    I am extremely sad to read this. Frown

  11. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks friends. Your support means more than you'll ever know.

  12. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Frown So sorry to hear this Ray.

  13. PNW mom Says:

    So very sorry and sad for you and your heartbreaking for this little guy to have to leave the only family he has ever known Frown

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