Home > Fabulous Girls Day today!

Fabulous Girls Day today!

March 18th, 2013 at 03:44 am

Today, I got to spend almost the entire day with my three daughters. What a great day it was. We started off with bagels and coffee in J, then did some shopping there. I bought a jasmine soy candle and a couple of small items for the kitchen at the kitchen store.

Then, we went to office depot so DD3 could look for a tablet or netbook. We headed off to lunch and finally ended up at Trader Joes. I LOVED having them to myself for the day and just having girl time!

This evening I made oatmeal for the week and made up lunches for Monday and Tuesday from leftovers.

Tomorrow DD3 is going to go shopping for me to pick up dog & cat food, toilet paper, laundry soap. I also am very low on quinoa and oatmeal. I love that she is willing to go pick these things up so I didnt have to take time out of the weekend to do it. Normally they hub does this type of shopping at Walmart, and I really dont like to go there. The quinoa and oatmeal we get at the grocery store as they carry the type I use. (Thank you DD3!!)

This weekend was more spendy than normal for me when the hub is gone, but I stayed within budget and allowance. And what I gained in time with my girls was well worth it. Big Grin

3 Responses to “Fabulous Girls Day today!”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    So glad you had a great time with your girls!

  2. SecretarySaving Says:

    Oh yes you have to value that time when you can get all 3 of them together! I'm glad you had such a great day.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    sounds like a good day Smile

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