This weekend, I spent quite a bit of time with Z..who had a runny nose, cough, fever....and today I am home with a sore throat and low grade fever. I seem to catch EVERYTHING the babies have. As soon as I realized he wasnt feeling well, I went into prevention mode..hand sanitizer, wiping surfaces, avoiding touching my nose and eyes. Who knows, I could have picked this up at work last week or from a grocery cart. I just hope it doesnt turn into respiratory. My asthmatic lungs dont handle that well!
I am thankful that I have a bank of PTO days...but I really dont like using them for sick days. (who does!) I appreciate being able to stay home in jammies under a warm blanket when I feel like this and appreciate that my job supports keeping bugs with fevers at home.
Today is a milestone for DS. He is branching out on his own again and started a new bug business. This time, I will not be investing- but will provide all the moral support he needs. His last venture was very successful the first two years (05-07)..and then the economy tanked. He sold his business, he and his family moved to California where the climate is more consistent and he worked for a small company there and has consistenly done wonderful in sales. I think he will be very successful this second time around.
My fingers are crossed for him!!
I have scheduled a couple of long weekends off in May and June when the hubs starts his three week rotations home again. My first instinct was to make reservations at the resort where we go occasionally for get-aways (well, my first was the cabin that I rented and later cancelled actually). But I have rethought. We enjoy time home too and I really want to tackle cleaning the garage. It is stuffed full of my parents/bother's things as well as two years of just putting things out there without everything having a home. Holiday decorations, the hubs tools and equipment, boxes of 'stuff' I didnt want to make tough decisions on..
So, while the hub is home in April, we will start by getting the obvious things out of the way. Then, I will have room to start sorting and organizing, decluttering.
I have noticed LOTS of spider webs out there...and with spring here, there will be creepy crawly things hatching. So, I need to keep some bug spray and wear good gloves. (I wish my son was going to be here so he could do a spray for me!!)
Instead of spending money on the rental, I think we will use that newly cleaned patio to host a couple of bbq's with friends and just hang out here.
We are planning 5 days at the resort in November, which is something we do every year around Veteran's day, but not sure what else we will do this year for mini-vacas. For now, plan B sounds like the right thing to do.
PTO day today
April 1st, 2013 at 08:30 pm
April 1st, 2013 at 09:14 pm 1364847246
April 1st, 2013 at 09:42 pm 1364848952
April 2nd, 2013 at 07:44 pm 1364928298