Home > Confession!


April 5th, 2013 at 03:40 am

You know that first day...after youve been sick...when you FINALLY feel human again. Yeah, today was so "that" day. Big Grin Woo hoo!

Confession time. Earlier today, I was looking at the budget and looking at the hubs paycheck..and I had less than frugal thoughts. (you know those thoughts..) So, I quickly posted my previous post and updated my sidebar so that I was COMMITTED to sticking to my plan. Without knowing SA friends helped hold me accountable today. Once it was posted, it was true and real and I had no option but to transfer the whole amount to the CC payment, which I did. Without blogging and tracking here, I know I wouldnt be as faithful to debt repayment. I simply cant believe the difference posting my sad, but honest truth on the sidebar has made. Any time I am tempted or unsure about the right thing, I remember the sidebar and the goal is crystal clear again. Seriously, it has been my eye opener, and what finally pulled my head out of..... the sand.

Tomorrow is Friday, which means date night with one of the grandkids. This week it is my little 4 year old granddaughter. I always look forward to date nights- there is just something special and irreplacable about one-on-one time. And the cool thing, its about spending TIME together, not about spending money.

And whoever said you cant teach an old dog new tricks hasnt seen this gramma MASTER the hubs truck. Ok, so it jerks after I shift into 2nd gear, and it takes forever to find reverse...I think I am doing GREAT, considering I was scared to death of the darn thing a week ago.

6 Responses to “Confession!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I love it! Good job. And it's so wonderful you have date nights with your grandkids. They will remember those forever. Smile

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    I think it's a great thing that you got over your fear of The Truck. Big Grin

  3. dmontngrey Says:

    Ha ha... that's great about the truck! I'm scared to death of my hubby's truck. It's just too big and an automatic. Yeah, I'm strange. I just don't have much experience driving an automatic. It's really the size of this thing though. It's a 2000 F150. 2 days after he got it, I had to move it from the front parking lot to the rear. I was driving all of 3 mph and near tears. :/

  4. Petunia in a Flower Garden Says:

    You are doing great with hubs truck! Should I confess that while Mr H had a truck I never drove it. . . and we had that truck for 17 years! I kept meaning to practice on it but got busy with other things. It also had standard transmission and we live in a place with lots of hills.

  5. freeme journey Says:

    Well done and hang in there with the truck Smile

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Way to go Smile Glad ur feeling better Smile

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