This morning I was driving to work in the hubs truck and it died. Right in the middle of the street, and just like that.
I was on a hill and was able to coast backwards almost to the curb, but it was far enough away that we couldnt leave it. DD3 came and stayed with it and I took her truck on to work. She ended up calling a tow truck to take it back home...$85 to go about a block. OUCH.
I have conceded to the fact that I need to rent a car until we figure out how to get my car (and now hubs truck) fixed. $219 a week for a compact. My SIL is coming over one night this week to look at both. The hub thinks the truck is a blown fuse, which should be an easy fix. The car rental place said I only have to pay for days I use it. So hopefully, it wont cost the full $219.
Thankfully, I have a little over $400 in the car repair the tow, the rental, and hopefully the car parts will all be covered.
I really want these vehicles to be WORKING. What does my husband do again???? Argh. To his defense, he cant fix them from 3100 miles away.
In all the cleaning this past weekend, I managed to misplace my glasses. Boo. I looked everywhere last night, no luck. So I am wearing an old pair, that has a prescription close to what I am used to.
DD3 and I will be going in about an hour to rent the car- Barely noon, and its been a day.
Car Karma
April 8th, 2013 at 08:15 pm
April 9th, 2013 at 01:19 am 1365466747
April 9th, 2013 at 11:22 am 1365502925
Sorry to threadjack... I rather know where you are coming from.