Home > Prayers, thoughts, energy, vibes...can you help?

Prayers, thoughts, energy, vibes...can you help?

April 9th, 2013 at 04:04 pm

Yesterday, my SIL ended up in ER with abdominal pain. This pain has been constant since Thanksgiving. It was initially diagnosed as a parasite, and he has been treated with antibiotics and pain pills. Unfortunately, they found two masses with a scan yesterday. One on his kidney, the other on his appendix. He is having tests this morning and then, today or tomorrow, he is most likely having surgery.

There are so many who read these blogs that I am asking for prayers, good thoughts, positive energy, healthy vibes...whatever you believe in.

We will hopefully know more this afternoon. Frown

16 Responses to “Prayers, thoughts, energy, vibes...can you help?”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    Oh my, sending positive thoughts your way.

    Which reminds me, wasn't your son having an MRI? How did that go? Is he okay? I don't remember any follow up. But I am thinking now that you sure have *a lot* going on with your family. {{HUGS}}

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Miraculous healing vibes sent. Sorry to hear he's been in pain so long.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    MM- he did and they were not able to diagnose whatever it was. He has to retest evey six months for now.

    ccf & mm- Thank you both. much appreciated.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    I don't know why when it rains it pours with these things. !!

  5. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Sending good thoughts for your SIL's successful surgery and complete healing.

  6. scottish girl Says:

    Sending good thoughts your way.

  7. snafu Says:

    Sending prayers and best wishes for a good outcome. Will they undertake a biopsy? While there is a lot of fear, this is the time when a positive outlook is an important factor in a speedy recovery.

  8. twest Says:

    Sending prayers your way! ((Hugs))

  9. Ima saver Says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with your family. (hugs)

  10. PNW Mom Says:

    Sending prayers your way!

  11. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I hope for his relief from pain, protection from anxiety, and restoration to health.

  12. MissAngel Says:

    Sending positive vibes and healing thoughts!

  13. LuckyRobin Says:

    So sorry he is going through this. Prayers on the way.

  14. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    {{{Ray}}} Prayers on their way!

  15. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Sending it up there. Hugs to you.

  16. rachel021406 Says:

    Lots of positive energy coming your way. We will definitely be thinking about you and your family.

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