Today was a hot one, for sure. But it was also productive and fulfilling.
This morning I put ribs in the crockpot and let them slow cook all day- they turned out so tender and yummy! And I made enough so that I now have leftovers for several days!
I sat outside this morning reading my kindle, did all my laundry and line dried everything- including sheets!, DD2 stopped by with the kiddos and GS (9) stayed and is spending the night, cleaned the little house, took GS to the country store for a treat this afternoon (I still remember days with my grandma and how much the treats meant!!), sat outside with DD3 and GS at dusk and enjoyed the breeze- finally relief from the day's heat..and now GS and I are watching a movie together before bed.
R has continued to let his direct deposit go into my account, so I have paid all bills, set aside money for his gas and expenses when he is home, and put everything else towards debt. We are now down to just over $6000 on the debt that started at $24k at the beginning of the year. At this rate, that bill will be PIF in August.
I have one unsecured debt, that is zero interest through next April, that will be paid by then of $8000.
Then, the debts are down to my car and the houses.
Zillow continues to show the values of the houses increasing nicely. (between both, about $15k in the past 4 months) And my 401k is bouncing back from last months dip- still waiting for it to surpass $100k.
Today was the first day I felt almost normal and content in almost a month. It was nice to have my mind on fun stuff and not in constant stress mode.
DD3 and a friend of hers have asked to rent two of the bedrooms in the big house for a couple of months. They will also use the kitchen, bathroom and laundry- in return, they will pay $300 per month. Since the house project is on hold, I was ok with the idea, so long as they keep it tidy. It is nice to have company out here, and they have agreed to take care of the dogs. We will take it month to month and see how it goes.
R comes home next week. Clearly there is lots to think about and discuss when he gets here...but for now I plan on enjoying the time to myself.
Frugal day with frugal routines
July 7th, 2013 at 05:45 am
July 7th, 2013 at 08:57 pm 1373227042