Home > New 5th wheel

New 5th wheel

July 25th, 2013 at 05:22 am

Took the hub to the airport today. Before I left home, I put three frozen boneless chicken breasts in the crock pot. Sprinkled each with a little garlic salt, seasoned salt and some teriyaki sauce. When I got home tonight, I made some jasmine rice in the rice cooker. Viola! Dinner was made in just 15 minutes! I love my crockpot and rice cooker for this very reason. I have plenty of leftovers for two more meals.

We bartered our old travel trailer for 4 loads of wood- which means about $7-8000 to us. The trailer was tired. We have had it almost 15 years. It had taken us on many adventures, been a home for DD1 and her family for a year, housed the hub for almost a year, and provided shelter for the guy who bought it whenever he needed a place to stay. It was time for us to retire it. We haven't camped in it for almost 2 years.

So...we replaced it with a new 5th wheel. My hope is that the new purchase will provide a hobby that we both enjoy while we fix what's broken. This is a purchase that we will use through retirement- hopefully. We both have missed the ability to hook up and go..and are excited to have the option again. We pick it up when the hub comes home next. It will also give us a small, but much needed tax deduction.

We shopped around, and ended up travelling several hours to buy it..and saved over $7000 off of the local dealers lowest price. It was not cheap, but I felt we got a good deal.

1 Responses to “New 5th wheel”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like you got a good deal and if you are satisfied, that is what matters!

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