The hub and I are at the resort where my job is holding their annual planning session. We have a nice 1 bedroom condo with a gorgeous view from our balcony. A 'free' mini vacation (working vacation for me). We worked all day today and will work all day tomorrow..then, we are working just a couple hours on Friday and then have the rest of Friday to do as we want and get to stay here Friday night - All meals are included. Feeling mighty blessed with this perk.
I have been pondering ways to change my spending habits. Ways I can make an immediate impact are cutting back on lunches out, cutting out any drinks besides water, coffee and tea, and sticking to a list when I shop. I also tend to toss out more perishables than I should if I was more focused. So, these will be my initial concentrations- especially on the weeks I am home alone. I am going to rework my budget for food and entertainment and see if I cant do a better job.
I finished the book "Unbroken" on CD that I borrowed from the library. It was a very good story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have another book on CD to start when I get home and also reserved one at the library to have after I finish it. I love the library. These CDs make my commute each day more enjoyable. I actually look forward to the drive now.
I have found that looking on Amazon for books and then reserving them at the library is a great way to keep my book supply stocked. Although, nothing will take away the fun of browsing through the books when I am there.
Free stay at the resort - Day One
September 5th, 2013 at 05:15 am
September 7th, 2013 at 06:08 am 1378530512