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Recap on the day

September 23rd, 2013 at 02:31 am

The Packer's lost today. Darn it.

The split pea soup in the slow cooker turned out awesome.

The house is cleaned.

I still have to pack for the next few days at the coast.

Its been a fun, no-spend day.

It rained off and on all day, so the laundry was either dried in the dryer or hung inside.

My cat found a mole and decided it was a new 'friend'. My dog joined in and they 'played' for about 20 minutes. The mole was not a fan- and actually latched on at one point to each of them (my cats paw and my dogs poor nose!). The mole was definitely not a fan of his new friends or the game of hide n seek. In the end, all three went their separate ways.

This afternoon, I was browsing on Amazon and found several Christmas stories for my Kindle that were free. So I downloaded them. Free is good!

I am letting the soup cool and will freeze servings for when I get back from the coast later this week.

I love stay-at-home days like this when I can get lots done and just putz. Especially in my small space home- getting everything re-organized today makes life here so much more peaceful!!!

1 Responses to “Recap on the day”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Ray, you know about Pixel of Ink, right? If not, it is a website where you can sign up for a daily email where they send you links to free/cheap ebooks. The free books are getting less and less, but there usually are at least two plus a $.99 one.

    Sounds like a good day! Smile

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