Home > Perspective


October 7th, 2013 at 01:29 am

I am squeezing another day of line drying our clothes into the season. It is a beautiful sunny day today. It started out very chilly, but is warming up nicely- perfect weather for a laundry day.

I am also watching some football, although I opted not to buy the special football package this year, so I cant watch Green Bay- I am following that game online. (And Green Bay is winning!) Update- they won!

I took my left over split pea soup out of the freezer yesterday and enjoyed a bowl for lunch. The hub and grandson are gone hunting until tomorrow, so tonight I will make something chicken in the crockpot for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow.

Perspective hit home this weekend. A young couple I know welcomed their first born, a son, 3 weeks ago- he was born with serious issues and has been on a heart-lung bypass machine and underwent surgery last week- sadly, he passed away this weekend. My heartbreak over Z's leaving is suddenly coupled with gratitude that he is healthy and has a chance to live a full life, even though it wont be with us. No matter how bad our own situations seem, there is always someone dealing with much worse. Any way, if you have a few moments and can send prayers and healing thoughts to J&M, I know they could use them. Very, very heart breaking.

3 Responses to “Perspective”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Sometimes it takes something to make us find the good in a situation.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    So true...this one sure did for me.

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    My heart and prayers go out to them. I don't even want to imagine how that would be. Frown

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