The hub is home from Alaska. Yesterday, the poor guy slept almost all afternoon, evening and night. He has been working crazy long hours- then got stuck in Seattle on the way home because of fog, and ended up sleeping in the airport. Needless to say, by the time he got home he was exhausted.
Unfortunately, this morning he was heading outside and slipped on the top step off the porch and landed on his back against one of the steps. OUCH. He took a muscle relaxer and pain pill..and has been out most of the day again today.
Since I've had quite a bit of free time, I decided to crunch numbers to see how we did this past year.
We started 2013 with a staggering $63,226 of debt ( not including the houses). We ended the year with $24,000- which means we paid off $39,226 or 62%. WOW. We anticipate paying the remaining $24,000 by May.
My retirement fund has done well this past year. At the beginning of the year the value- $71,519 and it has grown to $112,886- a $41367 increase!
The value of our homes has increased a combined $32,600. We owe appx $410k on the two homes, their value is appx $445k. A nice increase from where we bottomed out the past couple years (we were seriously in the red for a while). At least we are back in the black on paper on these homes.
I feel like we are finally making strides towards paying everything off and eventually retiring. That is, if I can keep the hub on his feet.
Im looking forward to setting our goals for 2014. I expect a fairly nice annual pay increase in February- which will be split between increasing the mortgage payments and the 401k contributions.
Our 2013 numbers
December 29th, 2013 at 06:49 am
December 29th, 2013 at 06:56 am 1388300181
Merry belated Christmas too.
December 29th, 2013 at 03:17 pm 1388330230
December 29th, 2013 at 06:49 pm 1388342946