Home > Wickedly GREAT weekend!

Wickedly GREAT weekend!

August 9th, 2015 at 09:37 pm

We are back from our trip to Portland. Wicked was simply fantastic! I've seen a few performances over the years and this one ranked up there with one of the favorites! The acting and singing were amazing! So glad I had a chance to go see it.

We did a little shopping while we were there, but I didn't get much. I spent $95 at Cabela's for some wall pictures, a kitchen towel and a welcome sign- all in the bear/cabin décor.

I paid for one night at the hotel, my daughter paid for the other. We split the cost of meals and gas. Somewhere along the way I managed to lose my credit card. SO I called and had it blocked. Thankfully no fraudulent transactions were posted before I realized it was missing!!

The weather was great and the air was not smoky- so those were definitely pluses!

While I was gone, my daughter found the cutest bear coffee table on craigslist. It was $75, including glass top- on Amazon it retails for $250 without the top. The bear had a few small dings, but a black marker and 15 minutes took care of that!

Isn't it cute? I think it will go great in the living room or family room!!

I'm cooking my first meal in the kitchen tonight! Chicken and quinoa and plan to make enough for a few lunches and dinners! So good to have a functioning home again!!

5 Responses to “Wickedly GREAT weekend!”

  1. Pnwmom Says:

    So glad you had a fun trip! We are seeing Wicked on Friday! Smile

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Oh is fabulous! Seriously so good. I cant wait to hear how you like it. Have a great time!!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Sounds like a great trip!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That's good you were able to get your card blocked before anything went amiss.

  5. PatientSaver Says:

    I see i'm not the only one having trouble posting pix once again. What gives?

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