Home > Free is good! Cupcakes in my future!

Free is good! Cupcakes in my future!

April 28th, 2016 at 11:12 pm

Recently a co-worker brought cupcakes to work. She had them in a really cute cupcake carrier and they were super delicious. The combination of the carrier and fancy frosting made them absolutely adorable!

One of my goals this year was to start a new hobby- and I think, with 6 grandkids, cupcakes might be a good choice. I found a cupcake holder that I liked on Amazon, but it was $39-so I held off thinking maybe it would make a good birthday gift idea for the family.

A few days ago I went back on Amazon and up popped an offer for $80 in free credit if I got an amazon credit card. I got the cupcake holder, a tool for frosting, some heavy stock cupcake liners (which helps maintain their moisture and makes them bakery like)...and got it all for FREE. The cool thing is that the boxed mixes turn out great in these dessert for birthdays and holidays will be fun and way less than a store bought cake!

And I got everything today...just in time for my grandsons birthday party this weekend! Now I cant wait to start creating.

5 Responses to “Free is good! Cupcakes in my future!”

  1. snafu Says:

    It's so much fun to make cupcakes! My secret to success was using those thin, slick, lightweight, disposable piping with cream cheese/ butter cream frosting..

  2. snafu Says:

    sorry, trying to say disposable piping bags with the larger sized icing tube from any that you have at hand. Favorite cupcake was Red Velvet [mix]...cream cheese frosting

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I am so bummed. After I took the holder out of the box, I realized it was broken. The whole side was I have to return it. Now I have to come up with a plan B for my grandson's birthday. Frown so disappointed.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That stinks about the broken cupcake holder!

  5. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Oh, now I'm wanting some cupcakes.

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