Home > I earned my FREE bike finally!!

I earned my FREE bike finally!!

May 11th, 2016 at 03:12 am

A year ago, I signed up for a program at work to earn a free bike. Yes, FREE. It is part of our wellness program and the offer was to ride 30 round trips to work, or 5 miles on your lunch hour and you earn the bike up to $500. I picked out a super cute beach cruiser in sky blue. I live much to far from work to do the round trip to and from work, so I have rode on my lunch hour. I have TWO more rides this week and my rides are DONE. YAY! I cant wait to bring my bike home and start using it just for fun. Later this month we are going camping and I will get to take my bike and enjoy it there!

Today was a no spend day. I always have coffee at work, free- and I took my lunch and then just had a simple dinner at home. Tomorrow should be another no spender.

Our new dog is doing great. He LOVES to fetch, more than any dog we have ever had. So I am getting some exercise in each night playing with him. He is such a sweet boy.

This coming weekend I am going to the coast for a day trip. A couple of years ago I found a long lost friend- he and I were children on the same street in southern California until we were about 8. THen, our families moved and it took 43 years before we reconnected. The magic of social media! I found him on facebook and as luck would have it, he and his wife moved to Oregon last year. It has been fun reminiscing and getting to know him again. His wife is so fun, and we have a great time together. So I am heading over to spend the day with them- and very much looking forward to it!!

5 Responses to “I earned my FREE bike finally!!”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    That's great! Enjoy your new bike. Smile

  2. My English Castle Says:

    What fun--good for you!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    That's great! The college where I worked had a similar program, but they abandoned it before I could get the bike. (Which is really okay, since I'm not much of a biker rider.)

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Congrats on earning that bike. What a great deal!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:


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