Home > Very tough couple of weeks

Very tough couple of weeks

October 10th, 2016 at 03:13 am

My DB had a massive heart attack a couple of weeks ago. He was placed in a medically induced coma and underwent other medical procedures to help him recover. Sadly, he never regained consciousness. I flew back to be with him on day 4 and flew home on day 9...he passed on day 11. Tomorrow is his memorial. I will miss him greatly.

Tuesday is a big hearing for Z and his baby brother X. Their mother has made no attempt to visit them since they were put back in foster care. Nor has anyone else. Thankfully, they both seem to be adjusting well. The baby is warming up to us and is quickly winning over our hearts. DD2 had to cut back her hours at work to be able to accommodate all of the appts the boys have had. They were both way behind on shots and have had all their other normal check ups. So far, so good. I hope TUesday's meeting gives them some much needed stability in their placement. The goal is to keep them together while determining permanent placement.

Thats pretty much been my life lately. My brother and the boys. Of course work in between.

16 Responses to “Very tough couple of weeks”

  1. Kiki Says:

    So very sorry for the loss of your DB. And fingers crossed for Tuesday.

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    I'm so sorry, Thrifty Rae. Frown

  3. snafu Says:

    Condolences, it's so sad to lose a brother. Hoping for the best possible outcome for the three children. I can't imagine how difficult all these legal hearing much be for you all. Children need stability and day-to-day care but the courts seem to have a different view and agenda.

  4. Laura S. Says:

    I am sorry for the loss of your DB. I hope the situation for Z and the baby works out for the best. Your daughter and your family are such a blessing for them.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I hope things work out for your DD and Z's family.

  6. CB in the City Says:

    I'm very sorry TR. I lost my brother to a heart attack too; too young.

  7. creditcardfree Says:

    My condolences for the loss of your brother. May the good memories sustain you while you grieve.

  8. Jenn Says:

    So sorry to hear of your traumatic loss. Prayers being sent for you and your family.

  9. PNW Mom Says:

    So very sorry for your loss. Hoping for the best possible outcome for your family with Z and baby brother.

  10. Bluebird Says:

    I'm so very sorry for the loss of your brother {{hugs}} and prayers for you and your family. I lost my brother last year, unexpectedly, it's very tough. I wish your daughter the best with the hearing tomorrow.

  11. rob62521 Says:

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Hope things go well with your family.

  12. PatientSaver Says:

    I'm so sorry, Thrifty Ray. It must have been a shock. So sorry.

  13. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    My condolenscences on your loss and prayers for the boys. I hope your daughter is blessed with them. Crossing my fingers.

  14. MonkeyMama Says:

    Ray, I am sorry to hear about your loss.

  15. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you all so much. This has been a tough couple of weeks! I have no words for my gratitude to you all for your kinds responses. I am truly humbled.

  16. Tabs Says:

    Aww, that is very sad to hear. Please take care of the rest of your family.

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