This has been a year of travels- not all planned, but all worthwhile. New York, Arizona, Oklahoma, stop- Las Vegas for a conference for work. (Meaning all expenses paid by my job.) I leave Sunday and will come back Thursday morning- just in time for the next court date.
DD2 was planning to go with me, but that was before she became a full time foster mom again. So, I will be going alone.
This past weekend, I had two of my granddaughters (cousins) over for a sleepover. They have reached an age where they are pre-teen friends. It is such a new, fun dynamic. When their moms were their ages, they fought a lot. Having the daughters get along so well is so fun. We went to a movie, lunch, baked, watched movies at home, decorated the tree...and just had a good time together. I am so blessed.
Not much different happening in the financial scheme. Just trying to keep Christmas spending within budget- and planning DD3s 25th birthday party. She is a Christmas eve baby- this year we are planning her party for the 30th so hopefully more people can come.
Las Vegas bound!
November 29th, 2016 at 05:41 am
November 30th, 2016 at 01:59 am 1480471154
Have fun in Vegas!
November 30th, 2016 at 05:42 pm 1480527735