Home > Adoption is near! and a change may be in my future!

Adoption is near! and a change may be in my future!

February 28th, 2018 at 04:18 pm

All the boxes have been checked, except the court saying it is so. It should be any time! DD2 asked if I would co-sign for a mini van. Her current car just fits everyone with no room for friends or others. I think that co-signing is a small thing to do for a daughter who has been so big hearted to the boys.

X's dad got out of prison and has been spending time with him. X gets so excited to see his daddy. The hard part is that Z sees the interaction and wishes his daddy was around too- but Zs dad just doesn't have the drive or capacity to get clean and to be a part of his life, and so we all do our best to help fill in the gap.

The hub has been working a lot of overtime this season. We have used the extra money to build the emergency fund, build a cushion for the months when he only gets 1-2 paychecks, and to pay down debt. I feel like we are well positioned for 2018 now. And he still has at least 4-6 more work weeks of busy season.

My son is still nudging me to come work for him. We have set a tentative date of August. I am ready to change career paths and to go part time, I just need to make sure insurance will work for me (either get on his or be added to the hubs). Working for my son would mean working from home. I love the idea of not having to drive to work every day. I live about 25 minutes outside of town and the idea of not having to make the drive sounds wonderful. I am not super social at work, although I do enjoy interacting with others. Generally when I work, I like to focus. I am sure being alone so much will be a change for me, but I also am confident I can handle it. Big Grin

My son's business is about 5 hours away, and I would need to travel there at least every month or so for a day or two. Of course, that means seeing my grandbabies, so I am a-ok with that!

6 Responses to “Adoption is near! and a change may be in my future!”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    How exciting! We should do lunch sometime when you are in my neck of the woods. Big Grin

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I agree! I would love that!

  3. Dido Says:

    Exciting on both fronts--how energizing!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    How wonderful! Your family has been a blessing to these children.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Such good news!!!

  6. LivingAlmostLarge Says:


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