Home > Minimizing - Overcoming attachment - It's not as hard as I thought!

Minimizing - Overcoming attachment - It's not as hard as I thought!

September 28th, 2020 at 05:31 pm

One of the primary reasons I have accumulated so much 'stuff' is that I create a crazy attachment to things. I have many reasons, which, for example, is why I still, 13 years later, have a storage shed full of my dad's things that I've never used or even gone through.

Some of my key reasons for being a semi hoarder include:

* It was my mom's (dad's, etc) and she/he loved it
* It was a gift
* I may need it someday
* I haven't read it yet
* I may lose weight
* It's too old to donate and I don't want to throw it away
* If one is good, three is better
* It's still brand new
* I don't want to deal with it right now
* I don't have time

As I start this journey, I am purposely making my first thought:

Can this bless someone else?

What a difference this small step has made in my ability to let go. Some of the things I am weeding out could be sold, but that would throw a cog in my wheel, so I am just considering those items "extra blessings"!

I am confident that if I START with this question, I will be much more successful. It definitely worked with several items yesterday!

How does this have to do with finances? Well, here are my initial thoughts:

* I won't need to 're-buy" things because I cant find them
* I will be less tempted to buy new things that I have to find a home for
* I can easily find things, and will be more likely to use what I have
* Spending time at home is more tranquil, staying home saves money.

I am sure there are many more, but those are my big ones!

3 Responses to “Minimizing - Overcoming attachment - It's not as hard as I thought!”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    It is more blessed to give than to sell! I have done some selling, but giving has made me happier. Good luck on your minimizing journey!

  2. Lots of Ideas Says:

    I am going through a similar experience - selling a beach house that I shared with my now deceased mother.
    Part of why I held on to the house was that it provided storage for some of her things that I kept because they were meaningful to her.
    But it is unlikely that at my age I will become the sort of person who throws dinner parties using china that has to be washed by hand...

    I have some fear that when we meet in heaven she will say ‘why didn’t you keep my things?’ But I hope that she wouldn’t want them to burden me so I am letting go. I have no children, and I don’t want to leave my niece and nephews with a burden of stuff...

    I am paying someone to do my cleanout for a number of reasons, not the least of which is if I had to do it myself, I don’t think I could.

    Congratulations on your progress.

  3. Fern Says:

    May I suggest you see if there is a local chapter of Buy Nothing on Facebook?

    I joined one here in my hometown and wow, it's been a godsend. I've gotten rid of lots of stuff I was clinging to for no particular reason other than, as you pointed out, it was important to my mother.

    Knowing there are others in my own community or admire or want it makes it soooo much easier to let go of stuff. So instead of keeping it in a closent or in storage somewhere, sitting unused, it can help make someone else's life better.

    That's what I've found. I've also acquired lots of stuff, too, which has saved me money. I am trying to be more selective about what I ask for on the site. I also enjoy the group because it has me driving all over town on roads I've never traveled before, and it's almost like an enjoyable hobby. Occasionally you get to meet the people gifting or getting (from you). It's really helped me get through the pandemic because it's a distraction.

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