DD3 and her little family came over for dinner last night. As she was leaving, she noticed the bags of donation items sitting by my door and asked about them. She poked around and decided she wanted 3 of the 4 bags of stuff! Just like that those bags went home with her. She will take what she needs and donate the rest. She mentioned she also wants some sunflower dishes that I am getting rid of, so I will box those up and give to her once they move into their new home next month.
I am finding it a challenge to work from home when I have home projects I want to tackle. The best way I can think of is to keep a running list of all the things I want to tackle after work and on the weekends so that I stay focused on work during my working hours. Does anyone else have this issue? Id love to hear your ideas!!
Our trees are all turning colors, this time of year is so beautiful here. Fall really is my favorite season. I am keeping a pumpkin banana candle burning (yum!) and plan to take a nice drive/picnic lunch this weekend to enjoy the beautiful season outdoors. We have lots of wineries nearby and a couple are located right next to the river. Perhaps a stop at one of those with a picnic lunch is in order. This weekend should be gorgeous - the temps are expected to drop into the lower 80s, and there is no more smoke! (Yay)
Of course, the rest of the weekend will likely be organizing and decluttering the next room!
Are the colors changing where you live?
Donations went to DD3
September 29th, 2020 at 06:37 pm
September 29th, 2020 at 09:02 pm 1601409729
I often did household jobs that involved sorting, tossing while on mute. I found it made me more attentive because otherwise the temptation to do work during the call was too great and so nothing got my full attention.
September 30th, 2020 at 04:38 pm 1601480316
September 30th, 2020 at 04:42 pm 1601480541