This weekend, while not as productive for my decluttering goals, was a very good one.
DD3 got the keys to her new home and so the weekend was all about moving. Since I am dealing with sciatica, on Saturday, the hub and I took the baby so mommy and daddy could pack.
On Sunday morning, the hub and I took a drive (back roads to a little historical town.) It was BEAUTIFUL. We stopped at a bagel cafe and had bagels and coffee. The cafe is in an old brick building with creaky wood floors that was built in the 1800s so lots of character and charm. Then, we went to a local discount store where the hub likes to get his bullets. However, they were out of all the bullets he wanted. This is a recurring theme, it is harder and harder for him to find them locally.
In the afternoon, I took DD3s baby to DD1s house where we entertained her so that all the heavy stuff could get moved to the new house. Then we met up at DD3s new house for pizza. Her new house is really nice. They sold their starter home to move to a much safer neighbor hood and much nicer home. (As they were moving from the old house, there was a murder investigation 3 doors away while the victim was, partially covered under a sheet in the front yard). (YIKES) So glad they made this move!!
Needless to say, the weekend flew by, and I didn't make any progress on the home front.
This week and next are 4 day work weeks for me. I am taking Friday off, and Monday is a holiday. We are taking a little mini vaca with our dear friends to a resort about 3 hours away. We rented a 2 bdrm house and will spend the weekend visiting, playing games, sitting in the hot tub and just enjoying some downtime.
As for financial this weekend, the hub got a new pair of jeans from the discount store ($32), we had bagels and coffee at the cafe ($17 with tip) and we bought the pizza for the moving gang ($55).
How was your weekend?
Weekend recap
October 5th, 2020 at 03:33 pm
October 5th, 2020 at 05:06 pm 1601914011
(I know many use guns/bullets for hunting - it was the juxtaposition here that just struck me....)
October 5th, 2020 at 05:29 pm 1601915358
I think the root cause of the current bullet shortage is because serious gun lovers want to be well stocked as protection, rather than being bought by bad seeds with bad intentions. I totally understand where you're coming from tho.
October 5th, 2020 at 05:38 pm 1601915923
October 5th, 2020 at 07:17 pm 1601921830
I always viewed the Second Amendment as something the Founding Fathers included because of their experience with overthrowing a government. They wanted the citizenry to be able to rise up. An irony to me is that the part of the citizenry wishing to get rid of this government is the part that opposes guns.
The sight of young men chanting and carrying weapons in the streets is very scary to me - I live in a state without open carry, and the only guns I ever see are in police officers holsters. I support background checks and limits on how many and what types of guns people own. I know there are responsible gun owners, but I wish that more of them spoke up about the need for responsibility instead of blankety defending every person, any gun.
Hopefully a time of compromise is ahead of us!
October 5th, 2020 at 08:06 pm 1601924815
On our drive this weekend, I saw lots of political signs peppered all over our valley, the majority were for the current president...(IMHO) they go hand in hand. I shudder to make a comment either way for fear of pi$$ing half the population off!
Not sure what it will take to bridge the gap, but I am hopeful for that compromise as well.