Happy halloween all! All my little grand-gobblins will be out and about tonight. Ive received pictures of their costumes and theyre all so adorable!
I usually spend Halloween at home, with a toasty fire enjoying one of the scary shows. We live in the country and homes are at least 2 acres apart, so we dont get trick or treaters here, although I do have some candy in the fridge left over from when the hub was last home that I can hand out if anyone shows up.
I've been putzin around the house, continuing to declutter and have a fire in the wood stove. (My house was hanging around 60-61 all morning, so I thought it was a good day to warm things up.)
I've decided that 4 days is about how long I enjoy eating the same soup for lunch or dinner, or sometimes both. I am enjoying the beef barley soup that I made on Wednesday, but was not as excited about it today as I was on Wednesday. Its still very flavorful, so I froze the remaining and pulled out the leftover red bean soup for tomorrow and Monday. Looks like about 2 bowls left...may be able to get 3. I also pulled out half a chicken breast to thaw. Its huge, so I should be able to get 2-3 meals out of it when added with some quinoa and greenbeans. I had planned on restocking this weekend, but now that Ive done inventory, I don't need anything. I have all the fixins still for pinto beans and split pea soup. And I have plenty of ingredients for fresh bread, several cans of green beans, ample amount of quinoa, and a weeks worth of breakfast supplies(yogurt, blue berries, granola)....so I am opting out of going shopping this week. (This is a rarity for me, I must be getting more serious about reducing my food expenses!)
I sat down this morning and started caluculating cost per serving of things like coffee and other drinks, snacks, how much a round trip to town costs, etc. Its very enlightening. For instance, gas to run to town is about 3.45 per trip. Knowing this, I will start being more purposeful about those trips. I have very recently decided to resign from my job early, as in Jan 4th. This means, I will need to start frugal living sooner than thought. But thats ok- I am comfortable with this decision, and it needs to happen.
I hope you all have a safe evening.. Can you believe NOVEMBER is HERE??
October 31st, 2020 at 10:30 pm 1604183406
This will be my first Halloween at home in a long time. I usually go to a church event to help out, but won't be doing that this year. No candy for giving out here though.
November 2nd, 2020 at 03:35 pm 1604331334