Home > Pity party for one (and I know I need to get over it, it's not all about me)

Pity party for one (and I know I need to get over it, it's not all about me)

November 17th, 2020 at 10:25 pm

First, I am going to start with I know I have SO MUCH to be greatful for.  I get it. And I know it. 

But I am allowing myself a bit of down time this afternoon.

1.  I had to cancel our big family trip.  With everything going on right now, it was not feasible to pull our huge family together for a full week.  I would much rather help be part of the solution, than the problem, so I pulled the plug.  But it still sucks.  We will push the trip back to spring or fall and hopefully be able to fully enjoy a safer trip at a better time.

2. The hub is still not home.  He was due home last Friday, but because of his alternate has Covid, and then weather causing flights to be cancelled, he still isnt home.  Hopefully tomorrow, but again today the weather is iffy, and we still arent sure.  The bright side of course, is that he has earned several extra days of pay during the delay, but again, this is my pity party.

3.  Our trip was my Christmas for the kids and grandkids.  I dont have a plan B.  I hope everyone understands that the trip will still happen.  CHristmas from Gma is just delayed a few months. 

My family continues to be safe, everyone is healthy, and the hub and I are still employed.  I have so much to be greatful for.  

This too shall pass. 

My pity party will be short lived, but GAH, this sucks.  Covid sucks.  2020 sucks.  

Ok, vent over.  I will reset shortly, but for this moment, I am just sad. 


7 Responses to “Pity party for one (and I know I need to get over it, it's not all about me)”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I am glad you have made the decision to be safe, and not push for this trip. You can do it next year; we are right on the brink of getting over it, so it's very wise not to take chances now. Don't be sad, pat yourself on the back!

  2. MonkeyMama Says:


    It's okay to mourn and to feel our feelings.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Ray, I think it's healthy to mourn it for a bit. Maybe it will help us savor the together when it happens.

  4. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Totally okay to feel bad. I feel bad too. Everyone has a right to being upset this is hard and it's not normal.

  5. terri77 Says:

    I’m definitely mourning get togethers with family & travel adventures. It’s okay to have down moments.

  6. Tammy Says:

    It’s so hard not to feel sad these days. I was commenting to someone earlier this week that even though I know we’re all in the same boat, knowing that doesn’t help ... LOL! I’ve had some pity parties myself these past 8-9 months. I think we probably all have. 2021 WILL be better! :-)

  7. rob62521 Says:

    Honestly, I totally get how you feel. It is difficult to keep cancelling things and see how hopes dashed again and again, especially when you do what you are supposed to and the cases keep going up and things get cancelled. I have felt the same way. So, don't apologize. I think it is healthy to realize we have disappointments. Hope things start to improve for all of us.

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