Home > Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wonderful Thanksgiving!

November 27th, 2021 at 11:36 pm

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Ours was blessed with family and grandkids.  Two of my daughters each hosted a meal - one at 3pm and one at 6;30pm.  Both meals were fantastic! Needless to say, after playing with grandbabies all day and enjoying two delicious meals, I was tired and full when I got home!!   We spent yesterday at home relaxing and enjoying some quiet time.   We pulled two steaks out of the freezer and the hub bbq'd them for dinner, so yummy!

Today was much the same.  FD is spending the weekend with her older sister, so it is just the hub and me.  (A welcomed break!) We watched the new episodes of Yellowstone, went out to lunch for some yummy taco salads, and now just planning on another relaxing night.   If we have dinner, it will be leftovers or a sandwich.  I plan to work on a puzzle, get in a little housework, and wrap some Christmas presents.

With the hub working 3/3 rotations, paydays dont always align with a monthly budget, which is why I budget a month in advance.  This month, the rotation created enough overage that I was able to pay back the $4500 I borrowed from savings to buy the airline tickets that I got on sale.  woo-hoo!  This means that the money I normally would pay towards travel for the next 10 months can go into savings!  We are def noticing a difference in the grocery budget having the stockpile.  I plan to set aside our extra grocery money to continue to stockpile on sales so that we are always well prepared!!  It is such a nice feeling to know we have a full freezer and pantry...I dont want to go back to weekly grocery planning if we dont have to!




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